søndag den 16. oktober 2011

Jeg savner mine hundsebasser, ser dem ikke før på oonsdag :(( Men glæder mig til alt det jeg skal i mellemtiden dog ;-) JEg er hos min mormor nu, og tager til min bror i vejle i morgen, det skal nok blive hyggeligt!

lørdag den 15. oktober 2011


Meet Milo

Mennesker der mishandler hunde (og andre dyr) burde bures inde, det er sååå forkert, hvad har de stakkels dyr gjort?

tirsdag den 11. oktober 2011


I morgen skal Mico-bassen til dyrelægen med hans betændte øre, det er ret slemt tilredt og det bløder ret nemt og det har det gjort aaaalt for lang tid nu, han har været til dyrelægen en gang, og har en gang fået medicinen "Surolan" og har fået det 2 gange dagligt de sidste mange dage. Jeg håber virkelig snart det går væk, ellers er det squ ikke så godt... Jeg skriver lige en update, når vi ved hvad der er sket..

søndag den 9. oktober 2011

Hold da op, så kom der hele 4 indlæg i dag, den luksus, skal i nok ikke vende jer alt for meget til.. Jeg har rimeligt travlt for tiden og går også til gymnastik osv osv. Men jeg kom lige i tanke om at jeg ikke har fortalt noget om hvordan mine hunde er og har taget det her fra  min anden blog www.sirihenriksen.blogspot.com

Mine hunde!

Jeg har to hunde, de er af racen Lagotto Romagnolo. Der er ikke så mange der kender racen, men de er bare for nuttede! Nogen kalder også hunden en trøffelhund, da det var det de blev brugt til i gamle dage, den bliver også kaldt en "italiensk vandhund" :-) Der er kun to opdrættere i Danmark, og vi har fået vores hunde fra kennelen "Lapinlumon".
Nå, men nok om det.
Carlo (født d. 2/9-09) som er den ældste, fik vi d. 6. november 2009, så han er snart 2 år. Han er den farve man kalder "orange", men det ligner mere æggehvid, synes jeg.  Vi har gået til udstillinger med Carlo, men han ser ikke heeelt rigtig ud i forhold til racen. Han er en rigtig kærlig hund, der helst vil med over det hele, og er altid med på den værste! Han elsker gåture i skoven, og dem får han også nok af! :-) Han er desværre bare en smuuuule frisk, så han flyver nærmest op når man rejser sig op, og er en lille smule forvirret en gang imellem. Men efter min mening er han den dejligste, sjoveste og sødeste hund i verden, men hvem synes ikke det om sin egen hund! ;-)
Mico (født d. 5/8-10) fik vi d. 8. november 2010 så han er lige over 1 år! Han er brun med hvide hår imellem. Vi går også til udstillinger med ham, og han ser mere ud som racen skal, men de sidste par gange har han været klippet forkert, så der i bjerringbro var det første gang han blev BIR (bedst i racen). Mico er altid glad og elsker at blive nusset! Han er lidt mere rolig end Carlo når der kommer gæster og sådan noget, men kan virkelig også mose sig frem, hvis han vil! Han elsker at gå tur, spise mad og sove ;-).
Carlo, 3 dage efter vi fik ham <3

Mico som lille sød hvalp

Mico som hvalp og Carlo er meget ældre her
Det var så lidt om mine hunde, som jeg synes er de sødeste små væsner på Jorden!<3
Jeg er ked af at jeg ikke har noget billede af mico som ældre her, men der skal nok komme et lidt senere!:-)

Jeg fandt lige den her video fra Animal Planet og synes, også den beskriver racen rigtig godt!
 Wiii Hihihihi


Lagotto Rrrromanyolo
The Lagotto is a small/medium sized dog, well proportioned, square built, hardy muscled. The head is quite big and supported by powerful neck. Its teeth should form a scissor, level or reverse scissor bite. The eyes are round and relatively big they can be in any color between dark yellow and dark brown, it usually depends on the color of the coat. The coat can be off-white, solid white, white with brown or rust patches, different shades of brown, or rust solid color, a brown mask is acceptable. Lagotto's wooly coat is dense and curly. This dense hair protect him from thorns it can find in the bushes while searching truffles. Its dropping ears are triangular with rounded tips, they are well proportioned to the head. The front legs must appear straight from any angle. The topline should be straight.
The Lagotto is a working dog. It has a natural gift for searching and its very good nose has made this breed very efficient in truffle searching. While on the search he is not usually distracted by the scent of wild animals or other dogs. The Lagotto is loyal, keen, affectionate, very attached to his owner and easy to train. It gets on well with other dogs and the other pets if sufficientlysocialized. It is an excellent family companion and a very good warning dog. The lagotto is a good pet and loves people, but in addition to needing plenty of exercise, they need to use their brain. This intelligent dog needs a job to do, something to keep its mind occupied. Tracking, games of searching for people in the woods or searching for mushrooms are some ideas. Obedience is also something they like and are good at, and agility is a favorite! If you’re not interested in competition, you can always play hide and seek at home. As long as you let the dog use it’s brain, it won't have to find things to do on it’s own (that’s never anything good!) In Sweden the breed is very popular. For some this breed is perfect, because of it’s allergy friendly, non shedding coat, it’s medium size, it’s happy disposition, it’s intelligence and it’s willingness to work. Make sure you are this dog's firm, but calm,consistent pack leader. Proper human to canine communication is essential to ensure they get along with other dogs and listen to human commands.
Height, Weight
Height: Male 17-19 inches (43-49 cm.) Female 14-16 inches (36-41cm.)
Weight: Male 28-35 pounds (13-16 kg.) Female 24-31 pounds (11-14 kg.)
Health Problems
Living Conditions
Thanks to its small size, the Lagotto would do fine in an apartment if properly exercised. Where you live doesn’t matter, as long as you can walk the dog and keep it active, at least 3-4 times a day. If you do have a yard, and like your flowers… well, then you have to fence in your flowers. In the Lagottos nature lies a desire to dig. They love to dig big holes and then stick their head in the hole. These dogs can dig a big hole in matter of seconds!
The Lagotto needs plenty of exercise. They love to search for things, it has a natural instinct for retrieving. This breed loves to walk next to its owner and need to be taken on a daily long walkWhile out on the walk the dog must be made to heel beside or behind the person holding the lead, as in a dog's mind the leader leads the way, and that leader needs to be the human. The Lagotto loves to swim. Some are even known to make the kitchen floor in to a puddle by tipping the water bowl over. They also love Mud and other gooey stuff.
Life Expectancy
has been known to live 16 or more years
Its dense, curly coat needs regular care. When you buy a Lagotto you hear different stories from different people about how to care for the coat. Some say that you should only clip it down with clippers twice a year and nothing else. Some say you have to brush it sometimes. One owner states "Well, I have learned the hard way, that it is more difficult that it seems. The coat easily get matted, and to prevent that, you have to comb through it on a regular basis." You should not show a brushed Lagotto (like a poodle) in show ring. It’s not a fur ball, it’s a working dog, and should be showed that way. This breeds sheds little to no hair.
The Lagotto has been selected for the search for truffles on all kinds of ground: its the only breed recognized for this purpose. The Lagotto is an ancient breed for water retrieving known in Italy since the XVI century in the lowlands of Comacchio and the marshlands of Ravenna. Over the centuries, the great marshlands were drained and turned into arable land. Since the XIX century this intelligent breed has been utilized as an excellent dog for searching truffles in the flat open country and the hills of Romagna, thanks to his very developed sense of smell ad high ability to concentrate on the search.
LCA, FCI, ENCI, AKC, NKC, CKC, ACR, APRI (has opened registration as rare breed), DRA, NAPR

Her er racestandarden for Lagottoer, den er fundet på den engelske/amerikanske hjemmeside www.dogbreedinfo.com og jeg synes, den stemmer meget godt.